Saturday, 2 June 2007

How to Overcome Your Fear of Meeting New People

Meeting new people can be a very scary thing especially if you have a low self esteem. However, if you want to maximize your success in life it is very important to be able to meet new people and know how to network. Once you get good at meeting new people you will love it more than you can imagine.

The first thing you need to realize in regards to meeting new people is that ninety percent of the fear you feel is in your mind. If you can block out that fear you will have won ninety percent of the battle. I know that it is all to easy to let your mind wonder on all the things that could go wrong but you have to learn to not listen to your negative thoughts.

When I first started to overcome my fear of meeting new people, the biggest thing that helped me is when I realized I didn’t have to hold a huge conversation or even have to say too much. The important thing is to just introduce your self and say hi. The more relaxed you are when meeting people the easier it is to introduce your self.

The most important part of meeting new people is actually taking the action necessary to meet them. You can think about how you are going to meet people all day long but until you actually walk up to someone and meet them, you will never meet anyone. The amazing thing about actually meeting people is that once you start the action of it, a lot of your fear will disappear. You just have to step out, make a few mistakes, and then become a pro at it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.