Saturday, 2 June 2007

Self Esteem - 3 DON’TS to Increase Your Self Esteem

You may have heard a lot of things about what to do to increase your self esteem but many times it’s just as important to know what not to do. After all, you have to stop doing certain things in order to replace them with the things that will help you increase your self esteem. So to help you, here are 3 don’ts to increase your self esteem.

1. Don’t be afraid to try new things.

If you are always afraid to try new things than you will never be able to step out of your comfort zone and realize that you are capable of great things. You have to stop talking yourself out of things just because you have a certain opinion about yourself. It may be scary at times but the more you try new things the more you will realize that you the only thing holding you back is you.

2. Don’t sabotage yourself.

How many times have you stopped yourself from succeeding at something because you talked yourself into failing? It’s easy to think of all the ways that you can fail or why you can’t do something but you have to stop doing that. If you constantly are thinking that you can’t do something than guess what, you can’t. Don’t allow yourself to be your own culprit in failure.

3. Don’t believe everything you hear from other people.

No matter who you are there will be times when people say things that are negative about you. You can’t always believe what they say. The thing about having a low self esteem is that it’s easy to read more into what was said. You have to stop listening to what people are saying about you.

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