Friday 18 May 2007

One Simple Way To Create Happiness In Your Life

You may not be happy with where you are in life right now, with your job or even with where you are going, but what is stopping you making that change? That change that would end up in you getting into a job that you love, pursuing your passions in life, and loving what you do.

I read this example recently and I think it pretty much sums up why people will stay discontented and unfulfilled their whole life instead of stepping out and pursuing what they really want to do.

Look at life like a performer on a trapeze. She swings back and forth. And then she encounters another trapeze bar. It is swinging toward her and it is empty. Now she has a decision to make. She may continue to hang onto her present bar, or let go and grasp the new one. But she can not do both! She can not hang onto the old and grasp the new with her other hand. She HAS to decide which she one wants!

If she chooses to let go of the past and grasp the future, she finds herself suspended for a moment in mid-air. She has lost her security and has yet to safely grasp the new bar. It is a risk! But a risk worth taking, for the new bar will travel to new places and her life will move forward.

It is the same in life. When you step out and decide you are going to go for that job you have always wanted, or go back to college and take that course or start up your own business, you are stepping into the unknown and it is scary! But you cannot reach for it while holding onto your place in your comfort zone.

What have you not tried to achieve in your life because you are afraid of the unknown? You will never know the outcome unless you take that step today.

Is there greatness on the inside of you but you don't know how to achieve it? Jason has just completed his brand new 7 part e-course, 'Find Your Greatness'

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Jason and Rebecca Osborn have dedicated themselves to changing thousands of lives by helping people find their greatness and true potential through his Find Your Greatness Newsletter.

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