Thursday 31 May 2007

How To Live A Life That Inspires Others

I read this great quote today that got me thinking!

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." John Quincy Adams - 6th U.S President

We often consider leadership as a position that is granted to someone who is a leader! Someone who is confident, educated, wise, a good public speaker, and passionate about what they do! Somebody in a position of authority like a teacher, boss, police man!

However, this quote suggests something different. It says that you area leader simply when you inspire those around you! How difficult is that? It's not at all!!

Today, make a conscious effort to inspire the people in your world. Inspire them to dream bigger, to dig deeper, and to never give up on their passions. Look at the people around you, the people in your circle of influence. Maybe you have co workers under you, a younger brother or sister, a friend, everyone in your world needs to be believed in. Everyone needs to feel wanted and appreciated.

Sometimes people just need someone to believe in them. Going for your dreams sounds all nice and easy, but often on your journey, you have to exit your comfort zone and enter the unknown to get them. Sometimes people just need a push and sombody close to them to say 'Go for it! I believe you can do it.'

Part of finding your own greatness is the ability to see the potential in the people around you and inspire them to go for their goals and achieve their dreams.

Make it a point to believe in somebody else today.

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