Thursday 31 May 2007

How To Live A Life That Inspires Others

I read this great quote today that got me thinking!

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." John Quincy Adams - 6th U.S President

We often consider leadership as a position that is granted to someone who is a leader! Someone who is confident, educated, wise, a good public speaker, and passionate about what they do! Somebody in a position of authority like a teacher, boss, police man!

However, this quote suggests something different. It says that you area leader simply when you inspire those around you! How difficult is that? It's not at all!!

Today, make a conscious effort to inspire the people in your world. Inspire them to dream bigger, to dig deeper, and to never give up on their passions. Look at the people around you, the people in your circle of influence. Maybe you have co workers under you, a younger brother or sister, a friend, everyone in your world needs to be believed in. Everyone needs to feel wanted and appreciated.

Sometimes people just need someone to believe in them. Going for your dreams sounds all nice and easy, but often on your journey, you have to exit your comfort zone and enter the unknown to get them. Sometimes people just need a push and sombody close to them to say 'Go for it! I believe you can do it.'

Part of finding your own greatness is the ability to see the potential in the people around you and inspire them to go for their goals and achieve their dreams.

Make it a point to believe in somebody else today.

The Art of Forgiveness

When someone has wronged you, when you have been treated badly and unfairly, lied to and manipulated, the most foreign thing to do it to forgive and forget. But forgiveness is possible and it is necessary for your physical and mental health.

"People who forgive show less depression, anger and stress and more hopefulness," says Frederic Luskin, "So it can help save on the wear and tear on our organs, reduce the wearing out of the immune system and allow people to feel more vital."

So how do you forgive and forget?

1. Calm yourself. To defuse your anger, try a simple stress-management technique. Take a couple of breaths and think of something that gives you pleasure: a beautiful scene in nature, someone you love.

2. Do not wait for an apology. The other person may not have meant to have hurt you, they may see things differently to you or they may have meant to hurt you on purpose. Whatever the case. they are probably not going to apologize first. Forgiving somebody does not mean that you are going to be the best of friends again, but it does mean that you release them in your heart and you do not hold any resentment against them.

3. Recognize the benefits of forgiveness. Research has shown that people who forgive report more energy, better appetite and better sleep patterns. If you are unaware of the distress that bitterness and resentment toward somebody else can have, then you will never realize the importance of forgiving and letting go.

4. Do not forget to forgive yourself. For some people, forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge, but it can rob you of your self-confidence if you don''t do it. Do not blame yourself.

Friday 18 May 2007

One Simple Way To Create Happiness In Your Life

You may not be happy with where you are in life right now, with your job or even with where you are going, but what is stopping you making that change? That change that would end up in you getting into a job that you love, pursuing your passions in life, and loving what you do.

I read this example recently and I think it pretty much sums up why people will stay discontented and unfulfilled their whole life instead of stepping out and pursuing what they really want to do.

Look at life like a performer on a trapeze. She swings back and forth. And then she encounters another trapeze bar. It is swinging toward her and it is empty. Now she has a decision to make. She may continue to hang onto her present bar, or let go and grasp the new one. But she can not do both! She can not hang onto the old and grasp the new with her other hand. She HAS to decide which she one wants!

If she chooses to let go of the past and grasp the future, she finds herself suspended for a moment in mid-air. She has lost her security and has yet to safely grasp the new bar. It is a risk! But a risk worth taking, for the new bar will travel to new places and her life will move forward.

It is the same in life. When you step out and decide you are going to go for that job you have always wanted, or go back to college and take that course or start up your own business, you are stepping into the unknown and it is scary! But you cannot reach for it while holding onto your place in your comfort zone.

What have you not tried to achieve in your life because you are afraid of the unknown? You will never know the outcome unless you take that step today.

Is there greatness on the inside of you but you don't know how to achieve it? Jason has just completed his brand new 7 part e-course, 'Find Your Greatness'

Get it free here: Find Your Greatness

Do you want to learn how to create successful habits and goals? Download Jason’s new FREE ebook here: Goal Setting

Jason and Rebecca Osborn have dedicated themselves to changing thousands of lives by helping people find their greatness and true potential through his Find Your Greatness Newsletter.

Wednesday 16 May 2007

The Challenge To Leadership

Every organization or collection of people, from the unknown tribe in the Amazon jungle, to the ever growing Business in New York City, to the small family in the Outback of Australia requires skilled leaders. It has been said that everything rises and falls on leadership, and it is true. Every group of people fulfills its purposes and potential based on the leadership it is shown.

As a leader you are given responsibility and charge of situations, the challenge to set the vision and motivate others toward it. In every group of people, there will always be leaders. If you do not lead, someone else will. If you do not set the example for your children, someone else will. If you do not set the standard in your work place, someone else will.

As the quote goes 'All it takes for evil to prevail is for the good man to do nothing.'

If you want to be a leader who attracts quality people, the key is to become a person of quality yourself. Leadership is the ability to attract someone to the gifts, skills, and opportunities you offer as an owner, as a manger, as a parent.

People will follow you because of your skills, what you can do and because of your character, who you are. One of the important keys to leadership is refining your skills. All great leaders keep working on themselves until they become effective.

I challenge you today to make a decision to be a skillful and honourable leader in your family, your community and your workplace.

Is there greatness on the inside of you but you don't know how to achieve it? Jason has just completed his brand new 7 part e-course, 'Find Your Greatness'

Get it free here: Find Your Greatness

Do you want to learn how to create successful habits and goals? Download Jason’s new FREE ebook here: Goal Setting

Jason and Rebecca Osborn have dedicated themselves to changing thousands of lives by helping people find their greatness and true potential through his Find Your Greatness Newsletter.

3 Keys To Avoid Burnout

This article will help you check yourself for burnout. It helps you look at the way you feel about your job and your experiences at work, so that you can get a feel for whether you might be at risk of burnout or not.

1. Too much to do in too little time.

Take a look at your lifestyle and your workload. Do you feel overworked? Are you are being too accommodating. Should you let people know that you have too much work to do? Should you be politely turning down new work that people pass you? Remember that you will have to say “no” at some stage, otherwise your commitments will get bigger and bigger. You must learn to say no to commitments that you should not take on, otherwise you will be in severe danger of becoming intensely stressed and exhausted.

Check that you are using all the resources that are available to you in your work place. You may find another employee has an intern and you are entitled to one too. You could take a time management course.

2. Avoid exhaustion.

Exhaustion is one of the main reasons people become burnt out. The importance of sleep and rest is vital if you feel you are on the verge of burning out. Going on a good long holiday is a great way to avoid burn out. Be well prepared so that you do not have to bring your lap top or mobile. Ensure it will be as relaxing as possible without the distractions or pressure of work. Forget about it all for a week and enjoy the sun. It will do you good!

3. Protect your passion for the job.

Another major factor in burn out is disillusionment with your work, especially if you are somebody that gets great satisfaction out of their job. It is important to protect the parts of your job that give you the most satisfaction. Think of the people you serve. If you burn out, they will not get the benefit of working with the enthusiasm that loving your job creates.

There is a lot of things you can do to avoid becoming burnt out. The first thing though, is to check if you are at risk, and if so, take this seriously and take action.

Is there greatness on the inside of you but you don't know how to achieve it? Jason has just completed his brand new 7 part e-course, 'Find Your Greatness'

Get it free here: Find Your Greatness

Do you want to learn how to create successful habits and goals? Download Jason’s new FREE ebook here: Goal Setting

Thursday 3 May 2007

As Choirs of Angels

Click on this play button below to hear a beautiful Worship song entitled 'As choirs Of Angels' written by Richard Clark and performed by the Worship Team at Living Word Church, Galway.

Also check out recent pictures of church events here: