Friday 29 June 2007

You Are Only As Good As Your Word

"One's philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes. In the long run, we shape our lives and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility." Eleanor Roosevelt, first lady

If I asked you for your outlook on life, I am sure like most people you would have many reasons why there is so much suffering, opinions on politics and probably millions of complaints about the state of the world today regarding violence, terror, disruptive youth, child prostitution, the list goes on....

It seems that we are all experts on life when it comes to talking about it but then, what are we actually DOING about following up on those words?

Are you talking about health yet continuing to smoke, overeat and doing little to take care of your own?

Are you talking about poverty and pointing a finger at 'big businesses' for their apparent un involvement to charities yet continuing to walk straight past the homeless man you pass everyday on the street?

Are you talking but doing little more than moving your lips?

Today I want to challenge is to carry out an assessment on yourself.

Take note of how many times today you talk about doing something versus actually taking action and doing it.

I think you will be surprised at the outcome!

Do not beat yourself up over the answer, just know that one of the keys to success is matching your words with your deeds.

Wednesday 20 June 2007

5 Keys To Setting Goals You Will Achieve

Setting goals is the foundation of achieving anything in life. If you do not know where you are going, how will you know when you get there?

It is vital to set goals, but so often people set unachievable and unmeasurable goals. Here are a few keys to help you set goals that you can actually achieve.

1. Set A Deadline. Diana Scharf Hunt said it correctly Goals are dreams with deadlines. Set a time frame for your goals. If you have began a new business, set a time frame on it. If you are not making what you need to within that time frame, pack it in. Do not look back and move on.

2. Be Specific. When creating your goals, be specific. If you want to earn more a month, how much more do you want to earn? If you are striving to lose weight, how much do you want to lose a month?

3. Create Measurable Goals. Create a goal that you are able to measure and see the progress so you can evaluate it and see if you are achieving it.

4. Create Inspirational Goals. As this quote goes Motivation is when your dreams put on work clothes. You have to create goals that you are motivated and inspired to achieve.

5. You Are Responsible. The responsibility to achieve the goal, must fall on you. If you were creating goals to lose weight and you said that 'whenever my spouse goes jogging, I will go with them,' the responsibility is not on you, it is on your spouse. The sole responsibility to reach the goal, must fall on you.

A Simple Key To Find Happiness

People are different so there are some things that will make one person happy that would not make another happy at all! There is not one 10 second formula or one size fits all, that can make everyone happy today. I wish there was! Although, there are simple steps you can take to create happiness in your life.

Look at this quote by Benjamin Franklin: The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.

Before you endeavor to take the journey to becoming happy with your life, you first have to establish what happiness means to you. What do you want out of life? Would earning an extra $200 a week make you happy? Would being married make you happy? Having a family? Travelling the world? What would make you happy? If you have not yet established this, you'll be running around trying everything hoping one of these things will make you happy and it will take you along time to get anywhere.

My advice to you if you are seeking a happier life, is to take a pen and paper and write down what would make you happy. Do not think about money, time, limitations, just write. When you are done, read what you have written. Now take these things you have written and make a plan. Write a goal. Make it a 6 month goal. Do not try and do too much. Take the 3 things that you would love to do the most, and begin to plan to make them happen!

By writing it down as a goal, you have something to focus on. you are not aimlessly running around trying all different things to make you happy, but you are aiming to achieve 3 - 4 things.

Wishing you well on your pursuit of happiness.

Wednesday 13 June 2007

Inspirational Movie

Watch this inspirational movie about a Father whose love for his son was so massive.


"Do not assume it is impossible because you find it hard. Recognise that if it's humanly possible then you can do it too."

Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor

Very often when you find something hard to achieve, you create a series of rationalizations, justifications and explanations that whatever it is that you are attempting is impossible.

Yet, when you think about it, you are only fooling yourself. No, worse than that, you are LYING to yourself! Marcus Aurelius was correct!

If it is humanly possible, if there is another human who can do it, then it is definitely possible for you too.

So it's not impossible... it's just hard.

What are you trying to achieve that looks impossible to you? Maybe you want to create a great relationship with your teenager, or start up your own business, or take a new college course so you get a promotion in work. Seek out someone that has been successful at what you are trying to achieve. Ask them was it always easy? Did you ever feel like giving up? Did everything go wonderful all the time? You will find out that it was not 'impossible', because they were a successful at it, but it was definitely not always easy.

You see, it is hard to motivate yourself to work toward the impossible. After all, impossible means you will NEVER get it done no matter what you do.

Hard, on the other hand simply means that some level of effort is required before you get what you want. You just have to want these things bad enough in order to tolerate the work that's required to get them.

How many 'impossible' things in YOUR life are really impossible and how many are simply hard?

Tuesday 12 June 2007

How to Stop Living a Boring Life

Life was never meant to be boring but instead to be exciting and fulfilling. If you feel like you are living a boring life but want to change that so you can live a life of success and happiness, I have good news for you. You can. It will take some work on your part but you can live the life of your dreams. Here are 3 keys to help you stop living a boring life.

1. Plan for fun.

It’s so easy to get caught up with work, family, and other responsibilities that you don’t have time for any fun in your life. Make it a point from now on to schedule some fun time for your self at least one hour per week. If you can schedule more, do that. The point here is to break up your routine and make time to have some fun in your life.

2. Work your passion.

There is at least one thing that you love to do that you are passionate about. This could range from teaching, photography, fishing, and so on. Whatever your passion is, start to find a way to start doing it to earn money. You will be amazed how you feel when you make your first money from doing something that you love.

3. Develop yourself.

If you never grow as a person you will rarely be able to experience new things. For every level of success you have to become a new you. As you develop yourself you will be forced to changed and take on some exciting challenges. Before you know it your life will be far from boring anymore.

Success - 3 Keys to Becoming the Best You Can Be

I know that you want to be the best that you can be in your life. I don’t think anyone really wants to be terrible or be a failure in life. Well there is great news. You can be the best and have a wonderful life. Of course this will take work and it won’t happen over night but since when has being the best ever happened over night? Here are 3 keys that will help you be the best that you can be.

1. Personal Development.

This seems very obvious but I am always surprised at how many people want to become great but never develop them. You have to be working on yourself to be the best. There are things in your life that need to be developed and grown. If you don’t develop yourself you will never be the best you can be.

2. Get rid of excuses.

You will have to stop making excuses why you can’t be the best if you want to be the best. If the truth be told, you have the ability to do anything you want to do. There are loads of people that have worse circumstances than you that have become great. If they can do it, so can you.

3. Learn from the best.

If you want to be the best you have to learn from the best. The best way to do this is find someone that has had a great deal of success in the area that you want to be great in and learn from them. Soak up as much information and knowledge from them that you can. By doing this you will reach your personal best much faster.

Self Confidence - How To Develop An Amazing Self Confidence

The lack of self confidence can be a paralyzing thing in life. You may want to do great things in your life but because you don't believe in yourself you actually become your own worst enemy. Here are 3 keys to developing an amazing self confidence:

Self Confidence Key #1 - Start small.

To many times people try to build their self confidence by doing something big right from the start. While this may work at times it usually has a negative result. The reason being is this, if you try something huge to build your self confidence and fail that means that you failed big. This doesn't help you to believe in yourself at all. Baby steps are usually best that way when you fall it doesn't hurt as bad. When you master the baby steps start taking bigger steps.

Self Confidence Key #2 - Create a team of support.

Don't try to build your self confidence all by yourself. You need people around you that will encourage you when times get tough or when you are feeling down. Even if the team consists of you and one other person at least you know that there is someone there that will encourage you.

Self Confidence Key #3 - Don't quit.

As long as you don't quit you will develop you self confidence. It may not be as fast as you would like it to be but even small growth is better than no growth. If you quit there is no way that you can build your self confidence. Just make a decision before you ever start that no matter how hard it get's or how long it takes, you won't stop until you develop the self confidence you want and deserve.

Wednesday 6 June 2007

Success in Life - 3 Keys to Living the Life of Your Dreams

Living the life of your dreams is much more possible than you think. There are people everyday that are discovering what it takes for their dreams to become reality. You can be one of these people if you know the keys that unlock the doors to your dreams. Here are 3 of those keys that will help you live the life of your dreams.

1. Be specific.

If you just have a fantasy of what you would like you will never have it. You must be specific in the things that you want. For instance, if you want to make more money you need to be specific on how much more you want to make. Just wanted to make more money doesn’t mean anything. However, by having a specific amount in mind you are able to know what it takes to get there and set the appropriate goals to get there.

2. Improve yourself.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make in your journey to success is to think that you can achieve success just the way you are. If that was the case you would already have all the success you wanted. You have to educate yourself to new levels in order to reach new levels of success.

3. Mentorship isn’t optional.

You have to have a mentor. There are too many obstacles along the way for you to do it all alone. Mentors are an invaluable part of your success. They are able to give you insight into what is needed to get the success you are going after. Plus they will help you avoid some very painful mistakes if you will follow their advice.

Jason Osborn

Self Confidence - 3 Keys to Becoming a Person With Great Self Confidence

You have the ability to have great self confidence and do great things in your lifetime. Self confidence will help you succeed in so many areas in your life. As a matter of fact, your confidence will help you get to places that your talents alone couldn’t get you. Here are 3 keys to becoming a person with great self confidence.

1. Believe in yourself.

You have to believe in yourself. I don’t mean that you have to be arrogant or stuck up. You can still be a very humble person and believe in yourself at the same time. You have certain skills and talents that other people don’t have. You have to start believing in yourself and know that you are here to do great things.

2. Don’t make mountains out of molehills.

Whether you like it or not, there will be times in your life when you make a mistake. Guess what? Everyone makes mistakes. As long as you learn from it and allow it to make you a better person, your mistakes aren’t something to dwell on. However, if you turn your mistakes into some huge thing, you will soon start doubting yourself and before long your self confidence will start to fade. Instead, increase your self confidence by learning from your mistakes.

3. Get around other people with self confidence.

One of the best ways to increase your self confidence is to hang around people that are confident themselves. This may be intimidating at first but you sill soon find that their self confidence will start to rub off on you. You see, it hard to not become what you are always around. If you are always around insecure people you may find yourself becoming insecure. However, if you are around self confident people, you will soon find that your self confidence in increasing.

Saturday 2 June 2007

How to Overcome Your Fear of Meeting New People

Meeting new people can be a very scary thing especially if you have a low self esteem. However, if you want to maximize your success in life it is very important to be able to meet new people and know how to network. Once you get good at meeting new people you will love it more than you can imagine.

The first thing you need to realize in regards to meeting new people is that ninety percent of the fear you feel is in your mind. If you can block out that fear you will have won ninety percent of the battle. I know that it is all to easy to let your mind wonder on all the things that could go wrong but you have to learn to not listen to your negative thoughts.

When I first started to overcome my fear of meeting new people, the biggest thing that helped me is when I realized I didn’t have to hold a huge conversation or even have to say too much. The important thing is to just introduce your self and say hi. The more relaxed you are when meeting people the easier it is to introduce your self.

The most important part of meeting new people is actually taking the action necessary to meet them. You can think about how you are going to meet people all day long but until you actually walk up to someone and meet them, you will never meet anyone. The amazing thing about actually meeting people is that once you start the action of it, a lot of your fear will disappear. You just have to step out, make a few mistakes, and then become a pro at it.


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Self Esteem - 3 DON’TS to Increase Your Self Esteem

You may have heard a lot of things about what to do to increase your self esteem but many times it’s just as important to know what not to do. After all, you have to stop doing certain things in order to replace them with the things that will help you increase your self esteem. So to help you, here are 3 don’ts to increase your self esteem.

1. Don’t be afraid to try new things.

If you are always afraid to try new things than you will never be able to step out of your comfort zone and realize that you are capable of great things. You have to stop talking yourself out of things just because you have a certain opinion about yourself. It may be scary at times but the more you try new things the more you will realize that you the only thing holding you back is you.

2. Don’t sabotage yourself.

How many times have you stopped yourself from succeeding at something because you talked yourself into failing? It’s easy to think of all the ways that you can fail or why you can’t do something but you have to stop doing that. If you constantly are thinking that you can’t do something than guess what, you can’t. Don’t allow yourself to be your own culprit in failure.

3. Don’t believe everything you hear from other people.

No matter who you are there will be times when people say things that are negative about you. You can’t always believe what they say. The thing about having a low self esteem is that it’s easy to read more into what was said. You have to stop listening to what people are saying about you.