Tuesday 12 June 2007

Self Confidence - How To Develop An Amazing Self Confidence

The lack of self confidence can be a paralyzing thing in life. You may want to do great things in your life but because you don't believe in yourself you actually become your own worst enemy. Here are 3 keys to developing an amazing self confidence:

Self Confidence Key #1 - Start small.

To many times people try to build their self confidence by doing something big right from the start. While this may work at times it usually has a negative result. The reason being is this, if you try something huge to build your self confidence and fail that means that you failed big. This doesn't help you to believe in yourself at all. Baby steps are usually best that way when you fall it doesn't hurt as bad. When you master the baby steps start taking bigger steps.

Self Confidence Key #2 - Create a team of support.

Don't try to build your self confidence all by yourself. You need people around you that will encourage you when times get tough or when you are feeling down. Even if the team consists of you and one other person at least you know that there is someone there that will encourage you.

Self Confidence Key #3 - Don't quit.

As long as you don't quit you will develop you self confidence. It may not be as fast as you would like it to be but even small growth is better than no growth. If you quit there is no way that you can build your self confidence. Just make a decision before you ever start that no matter how hard it get's or how long it takes, you won't stop until you develop the self confidence you want and deserve.

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