Wednesday 20 June 2007

A Simple Key To Find Happiness

People are different so there are some things that will make one person happy that would not make another happy at all! There is not one 10 second formula or one size fits all, that can make everyone happy today. I wish there was! Although, there are simple steps you can take to create happiness in your life.

Look at this quote by Benjamin Franklin: The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.

Before you endeavor to take the journey to becoming happy with your life, you first have to establish what happiness means to you. What do you want out of life? Would earning an extra $200 a week make you happy? Would being married make you happy? Having a family? Travelling the world? What would make you happy? If you have not yet established this, you'll be running around trying everything hoping one of these things will make you happy and it will take you along time to get anywhere.

My advice to you if you are seeking a happier life, is to take a pen and paper and write down what would make you happy. Do not think about money, time, limitations, just write. When you are done, read what you have written. Now take these things you have written and make a plan. Write a goal. Make it a 6 month goal. Do not try and do too much. Take the 3 things that you would love to do the most, and begin to plan to make them happen!

By writing it down as a goal, you have something to focus on. you are not aimlessly running around trying all different things to make you happy, but you are aiming to achieve 3 - 4 things.

Wishing you well on your pursuit of happiness.

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