Wednesday 13 June 2007


"Do not assume it is impossible because you find it hard. Recognise that if it's humanly possible then you can do it too."

Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor

Very often when you find something hard to achieve, you create a series of rationalizations, justifications and explanations that whatever it is that you are attempting is impossible.

Yet, when you think about it, you are only fooling yourself. No, worse than that, you are LYING to yourself! Marcus Aurelius was correct!

If it is humanly possible, if there is another human who can do it, then it is definitely possible for you too.

So it's not impossible... it's just hard.

What are you trying to achieve that looks impossible to you? Maybe you want to create a great relationship with your teenager, or start up your own business, or take a new college course so you get a promotion in work. Seek out someone that has been successful at what you are trying to achieve. Ask them was it always easy? Did you ever feel like giving up? Did everything go wonderful all the time? You will find out that it was not 'impossible', because they were a successful at it, but it was definitely not always easy.

You see, it is hard to motivate yourself to work toward the impossible. After all, impossible means you will NEVER get it done no matter what you do.

Hard, on the other hand simply means that some level of effort is required before you get what you want. You just have to want these things bad enough in order to tolerate the work that's required to get them.

How many 'impossible' things in YOUR life are really impossible and how many are simply hard?

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