Sunday 25 March 2007

Be Thankful

William A. Ward says "God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say "thank you?"

It can be so easy sometimes to forget to express the appreciation we feel for the little day to day things that happen in our lives. Everyday we have something to be grateful for but so often we overlook these things and focus on the negative aspects of life.

I want to help you shift your focus away from negative conditions and circumstances and bring you back into the reality that all things, regardless of how perceived, assist you in your growth and bring you one step closer to your intended destination in life.

Sincere gratitude empowers you to focus on the positive aspects of life, and develops into greater awareness and appreciation of the overlooked, often misinterpreted, and ever so important little blessings that make up this experience we call life.

An attitude of gratitude can make the difference between experiencing the big blessings that life has to offer and falling short of all that is available to you.
Make a decision today that you are going to be aware of those around you and express your thankfulness.
William Arthur Ward says “Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”

I encourage you today, look back over your life and pick out the people that had a positive influence on your life and assisted you in getting to where you are today. No matter how long ago it was, make an effort to find them out and say thank you. When people are grateful, I will go out of my way to assist and help them in whatever way I can. People will do the same for you if you are show gratefulness and appreciation.

Being grateful and expressing is a great habit to develop and one that will make life easier and attract people to you.

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