Friday 20 April 2007

Are You Listening?

We all have 2 ears and one mouth. What does that say about the importance of listening? If your spouse regularly says to you "I told you last week, do you not remember?," then maybe you need to brush up on your listening skills.

Here are a few suggestions to help you along the way.

1. Develop the desire to listen.

If you can show that you want to listen, the other person will be open to tell you anything because they are confident that you are interested in what they have to say. This alone should motivate you to want to be a good listener.

2. Do not interrupt.

There is always a temptation to interrupt and tell the other person what you think is vitally important to add to the conversation. Do not! Let them talk. Just listen!

3. Body language says it all.

Body language is so important in conversations. If you are not looking at the other person, you are biting you nails and watching TV, they are not going to open up to you because it is evident that you are not listening, you are distracted. Turn off the TV, face them, make eye contact and pay attention.

4. Learn active listening.

It is not enough that you are listening to someone, you want to be sure that they know you are listening and not day dreaming. Active listening is the art of communicating to the other person that you are hearing their every word. You can do this by nodding your head or verbally agreeing with what they are saying. Ask for clarification if needed.

5. Ask a question...then shut up!

This is a foolproof way to listen. Do not answer the question yourself or be thinking of the answer in your head, just listen!

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